Air KBZ to introduce its direct flights to Imphal, Chiang Mai and Surat Thani

News Desk:
Air KBZ is planning to introduce its direct flights to Imphal in India and Chiang Mai and Surat Thani in Thailand, according to the airline.
“The airline is jointly cooperated with Myanmar Airways International (MAI) in 2015 and it is expanding domestic flights. We will introduce new direct flights to Imphal, Chiang Mai and Surat Thani,” said an official of the airline.
The Air KBZ is currently running 13 domestic flights with five ATR72-600 series planes and one ATR72-500 series plane.
Two out of four new ATR 72-600 series planes from Air KBZ arrived in Yangon International Airport on May 6.
The other two new planes will be arrived on June. The airlines is flying domestic flights with ten aircrafts to Nay Pyi Taw, Nyaung-U, Heho, Myitkyina, Techilek, Lashio, Loikaw, Kalay, Thandwe, Sittwe, Dawei, Myeik and Kawthoung daily.