Tatmadaw withdraws from discussions on constitutional amendment

News Desk:
NLD party MP and member of joint committee for constitutional amendment, Aung Kyi Nyunt, confirmed to Mizzima that Tatmadaw (military) MPs would not take part in discussions on the report submitted by joint committee for constitutional amendment to parliament.
Initially the Tatmadaw gave the names of 78 Tatmadaw MPs for discussion on the report but they withdrew all these names.
Initially 125 MPs gave their names but now there are only 47 MPs left for discussion after the withdrawal of Tatmadaw MPs.
Opposition USDP MP Thaung Aye said, “We have already said this 45-member joint committee is unlawful and so did the Tatmadaw. So, they do not wish to discuss the report.”
In the report the joint committee listed over 3,700 points for amendment, deletion, and insertion of the articles in the constitution.
After getting approval and confirmation by union parliament, the joint committee will draft a bill for the amendment of the constitution.