Kangleipak Communist Party (Miyamgi Fingang Lanmi -Red Army of General Masses) observed its 15th foundation day celebrations at its units, mobile camps, training centres, and 141 Battalion at different locations, a release issued by the outfit said.

The outfit which is fighting for the sovereignty of Manipur state has also observed the 128th Patriots’ Day celebrations on Tuesday. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief of Army Staff H Ibomcha reminded that the brave sons of Manipur Bir Tikendrajit, Thangal General, Paona Brajabashi, Niranjan Subedar, Kajao, Charai Thangal and all the martyrs gave up their lives for the cause of freedom against the British in the Manipur’s last war of Independence fought in 1891. “Their only fault was that they fought for protection of freedom of their motherland”, the release said.

The main function was held at 131 Battalion with its Chief of Army Staff H Ibomcha as president, Commander of the 1st Battalion N Dhana as chief guest, KCP/MFL G-3 M Robin, KYKL/MYL M Tamba, KYKL/MYL L Suman and KCP (MFL) 131 Commander in-charge M Punsiba as the guests of honours.

N Dhana, the chief guest lighted the candle of the opening function while Chief of Army Staff H. Ibomcha unfurled the party flag. The activists of the outfit observed a two minute silence as a mark of respect to the departed souls of those who lost their lives in the struggles for the party, the release added.
