Minister says order revoked as people concerned over their safety

News Desk
Rakhine State government Border Affairs and Security Minister Col. Min Than said that they revoked their order given to local people in Kyauktan and nearby areas to move from their homes for imminent area clearance operations by Tatmadaw (Defence Services) as the people and international community had misunderstandings and concerns over this issue.
The Rakhine State government Ministry of Border Affairs and Security issued an order through Rathedaung Township Administrator on June 24, ordering local people living in Kyauktan village and nearby areas to move from their homes temporarily as the Tatmadaw would launch area clearance operations to drive out the Arakan Army (AA).
The order was revoked on June 26 with another order.
Col. Min Than, said, “The international community exaggerated the issue and so did some Rakhine organizations. And also, the Township Administrator reissued the order to all 42 villages signed by him. We meant only 4-5 villages near Kyauktan village where AA forces are deployed and operating but the township administrator order meant all villages near Rathedaung Town. The usage of wording in this order is incorrect so we revoked it. Tatmadaw is launching area clearance operation to its own plan and schedule.”