The Remaining Rohingyas in Arakan are at the risk of their lives

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News Desk:

In Arakan State, Near Rohingya villages in the east part of Bhudhidaung, Tha yet Pyin village,  Abul Fara ( Kun Taung ), Sa Par Htar , fierce fighting between Burmese Militaries and ArakanArmy ( AA ) took place at around 8:30AM to 5:00PM. More than 1200 Rohingya civilians had to flee from their villages. At least 700 are being displaced, 12 Rohingya were killed, 30 Rohingya severely wounded, 8 houses has been burnt down as a result. The two groups are always intensively fighting near Rohingya villages. Rohingya people have suffered great loses such as damages on their properties and live stocks. Remaining Rohingya people are finding great difficulty to survive as their urgent humanitarian needs are not being met at all.

The future of Rohingya situation lies only in the hands of International Community and the UN. UN must play a vital role by bringing all the International Countries together and hold all the perpetrators who have been committing genocides and crimes against Rohingya accountable. The current situation in Rakhine state must be of great concern to the international community since Rohingya are being Scapegoated both by the ignore the current situation of Rohingya Burmese Military and Arakan Army ( AA ). The Remaining Rohingya are exposed to more risk than ever.

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