Actress Lisa Surihani visits the Rohingyas

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On her first day at the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar,Bangladesh actress Lisa Surihani’s eyes welled up with tears. “I couldn’t control myself,” she shares. “I didn’t want to cry but hearing their stories … listening to what the women and children had to go through to escape from the violence in Myanmar and make their way to Bangladesh … it was truly unfathomable and I was overcome with a whole gamut of emotions. “Seeing what they continue to go through in the camps … how they have lost everything and live in tents made from plastic and bamboo. It was just overwhelming. They left everything behind. “I have read about and watched the crisis unfold on TV and read about it in the news but I didn’t truly understand the scale of this crisis until I saw it for myself.
One of the first things that crossed my mind after the visit to the camp that first day was that I don’t deserve to complain about anything. None of us do,” shares Lisa, who visited the camps for the first time since she became a goodwill ambassador of UNICEF.