PCJSS condemns over arbitrary arrest of KS Mong and Kyawba Mong

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On 26 May 2019 Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) expressed its vehement condemnation and protest against arbitrary arrest of KS Mong Marma, Assistant Organising Secretary of PCJSS and member of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Regional Council and Kyawba Mong Marma, General Secretary of PCJSS of Bandarban district committee and also former Chairman of Rowangchari Upazila Parishad after being called to Bandarban army zone.

In a press release signed by Gunendu Bikash Chakma, Assistant General Secretary of PCJSS, PCJSS said that on 25 May 2019, after being called, KS Mong Marma and Kyawba Mong Marma went to Bandarban army zone for discussion at around 2:00 pm. After being interrogated for two hours, they were arbitrarily arrested and handed over to Bandarban police station at around 4:00 pm. On the other, at the same time, Thowai Hla Prue Marma, Headman of Kolakhyong mouza and Mong Hla Tripura, Karbari (village head) of Jodarn Para of Huyalong union were taken to police station after arresting them. They all were charged on false allegation and shown arrested in connection with abduction and killing of Chaw Thui Mong Marma, former Commissioner of Bandarban Municipality and Vice President of Poura Awami League unit who was kidnapped from his farm house on 22 May.

It is to be mentioned that in recent days, the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) locally known as Mog Party has been carrying out killing, kidnapping, threatening and extortion in Sadar upazila of Bandarban district and Rajasthali and Kaptai upazilas of Rangamati district under active patronization of local Awami League leadership and under protection of security forces. For instances, surrounding of house of Ukya Nue Marma, President of Hill Student Association of Rajasthali unit on 18 February; inhumane torture of three persons, namely, Chingsau Marma of Juba Samity, Uching Mong Marma of PCJSS and Aungkya Ching Marma of Juba Samity at Rajasthali on 11 March; shooting of Aungkya Ching Marma, member of Rajvila branch of PCJSS with an intention to killing on 14 April; abduction of Mongkya Sing Marma, member of PCJSS of Rajasthali branch and member of Gainda Union Parishad (still missing) on 23 April; shot dead of Binoy Tanchangya at No. 3 Rubber Bagan area of Rajvila union of Bandarban and at the same time, abduction of Folaram Tanchangya (still missing) on 7 May; shot dead of Joymoni Tanchangya at No. 3 Rubber Bagan area of Kuhalong union of Bandarban on 9 May; threatening for killing to 12 villagers of Prue Mongneo village outskirts of Bandarban town on 13 May; shot dead of two Tripura villagers including Shanti Lal Tripura of Sadhu Headman Para of Allekhyong union of Rowangchari on 15 May; kidnapping of Unue Mong Marma from Chingkhyong Para of Rajvila union (still missing) on 18 May; shot dead of one Kyaching Thowai Marma from No. 8 Rubber Bagan area of Thainkhali of Rajvila union on 19 May; kidnapping of Awami League leader Chaw Thui Mong Marma on 22 May and recovery of his dead body later, etc. were committed. News of almost all the incidents were published on various news media mentioning ALP responsible for these incidents.

It is also mentionable that PCJSS has been demanding to the government to take effective action against this foreign terrorist organization, ALP, who carries out such killing, abduction and terrorist activities with the help and instigation of ruling Awami League. However, the administration and law enforcement and security forces did not take any action so far. On the contrary, local leadership of ruling Awami League and law enforcement and security forces started criminalization of PCJSS members by entangling them with kidnapping and killing of Chaw Thui Mong Marma and plotting to file fabricated cases against them, followed by arrest, suppression and compelling them to flee from their respective areas etc. As part this plot, two central members of PCJSS KS Mong Marma and Kyawba Mong Marma were arrested after being called them to army zone on 25 May. On the other, whole night of this day, law enforcement and security forces conducted surrounding and searching the houses of PCJSS members in Bandarban town. Ruling party leadership made a reign of terrorism in these areas through lending ALP for armed terrorist activities.

Given this situation, PCJSS demands-

(1) To release two central members of PCJSS, KS Mong Marma and Kyawba Mong Marma, including arrested headman (mouza head) and karbari (village head) immediately and unconditionally;

(2) To stop on-going killing, kidnapping, extortion and terrorist activities by lending of foreign terrorist organisation, ALP, and take necessary measures against ALP;

(3) To stop plotting to file fabricated cases against PCJSS members, to arrest them, to compel them to flee from their respective areas, by entangling them with these incidents.

It is to be mentioned that this is a tiny group of Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) numbering 25-30 persons who are isolated from the main ALP. This group is basically located at Bandarban district. They sometimes introduce themselves as Mog Party in Bandarban in order to gain sympathy from Marma (Mog) community. They also recruited few local Marma youths from Bandarban district and Rajasthali upazila in Rangamati district who are already involved with terrorist activities. This group basically carries out extortions, kidnapping and terrorist activities in Bandarban district on local people and remote Jum cultivators. This group fully isolated from Akaran state.

Prior to the 11th parliamentary election, local Awami League leadership and army brought them to the areas of Rajasthali and Kaptai upazilas in Rangamati and Rajvila union of Bandarban sadar upazila aimed at creating terror and obstructions to the election of Ushatan Talukder, an independent candidate supported by PCJSS, and contrarily to provide support to the ruling Awami League candidates. Since then, this group has been continuing killing, kidnapping, extortion and attack on innocent villagers and PCJSS members under the patronization of ruling Awami League and military forces in these areas.

Reference: https://www.pcjss.org/pcjss-condemns-over-arbitrary-arrest-of-ks-mong-and-kyawba-mong-after-being-called-to-army-zone-and-demands-for-their-unconditional-release/

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