Living with Corona- The Show must Go ON

Parvedge Haider
The news of band music legend Aiyub Bachchu’s death reached another living legend James during one of his stage performances. Although James became emotional and almost lost his strength of continuing the program, suddenly he recollected the passionate words of Aiyub Bachchu, whatever may be the situation is! ‘The Show must Go ON’. James continued the show with his impelling attractive voice and there were remembrance of Aiyub Bachchu.
In our life, disasters, epidemic, pandemic comes and goes but we need to look forward for a better future. The infectious disease COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) has become a pandemic global crisis in the recent months. Although the scientists of different countries are relentlessly doing their best for inventing some dependable medications, except for some possible drugs and advices of a changed life style there is no tangible outcome yet. Moreover, the total process of new entry of a suitable drug takes time[1]. As a result, the COVID-19 pandemic is being countered by taking some protective measures, i.e. social distancing, lockdown, bringing discipline in the day to day and social life etc. While taking all these countermeasures, there are shut down of economy generating industries, closure of educational institutions and obstruction of agricultural activities.
According to IMF (International Monetary Fund) the coronavirus pandemic will cause a global recession in 2020 that could be worse than the one triggered by the global financial crisis of 2008-2009[2]. Besides the global recession, there might be multi-dimensional other effects due to COVID-19 pandemic. There might be acute poverty and social disorder in the upcoming days. According to the historical references, there were pandemics, epidemics and natural disasters in different times; people had to adjust themselves with the changed scenario. We need to accept the fact that the invention of an appropriate medication for COVID-19 will take time and we need to learn living with Corona virus, as ‘Life must go on’.
Every war and pandemic bring disaster, it also creates opportunity. In this pandemic situation, Bangladesh can exploit the opportunity perceptively. Considering the possible food crisis and economic recession, Bangladesh might be selective in taking new ventures. However, before that some precautionary measures and changes in life style due to the Corona virus issue as mentioned by the health experts must be followed. Every working place has to be furnished with workable sanitization system. At the same time, COVID-19 related individual protective habits, people are inculcating now, all those must be continued. Of course, the vulnerable people irrespective of age have to be segregated within the family level. Now, what all are the strength and opportunity factors which Bangladesh can exploit? Huge working force by low paid wages and enormous acceptance of the products to the western countries are the great strength of this country. Ongoing global, regional, political and economic tensions among the powerful countries have created a huge opportunity for Bangladesh.
Utilization of modern technology and innovation might open up new opportunities in the agricultural sector. Modern agricultural technology like bio-floc and Aqua phonic should reach to the macro level with the support and guidance of concern ministries. Each and every inch of our unutilized lands should be brought to the use that will ensure food security of the nation.
In the present world context, there is no permanent friend, only permanent interest. The diplomats and decision makers of Bangladesh might consider this aspect. At present the economic and political tension between the U.S. and China, border dispute clash between India and China, newly generated tension between India and Nepal should become the strategic assessment concerns for Bangladesh. The territorial dispute tension between China and Vietnam might also be smartly cashed by the decision makers. The strong competitors of Bangladesh in Ready Made Garment (RMG) sector China, India and Vietnam, all these countries are more or less apprehensive besides the COVID-19 tension. In the meantime, Bangladesh has been spontaneously offered 97% tax rebate by China for around five thousand items. Although China might have different perspective of this great offer, Bangladesh should take best advantage of it.
Whatever may be the new ventures Bangladesh executes, the products have to be exported through any of the ports. The port facilities of Bangladesh could not attain an international standard yet. Besides numerous administrative follies, the inabilities of big ship entry in all the ports of Bangladesh create dissuasion for the shipping agencies. Unnecessary consumption of time and port fees badly affects the overall export/import cost. It is well understood that permanent solution of this issue by establishing a deep sea port is a long term affair. In the meantime, Bangladesh may improve the port discipline and administration to an international standard. It will really benefit Bangladesh while exploiting the present opportunities.
There is system loss in maximum aspect. Considering it (system loss) to be a natural set back, the development process continues. In many a time, news about massive corruption, illegally grasping of bank money, unauthorized transfer of huge amount of money to the foreign countries make us disheartened, sometimes we lose hope, possibly there is no shining future for Bangladesh; but we fight back. The huge working force of Bangladesh keeps stability of economy with their strong hand. We need to count COVID-19 just as a ‘System Loss’ on the way of our development path. We have to accept the reality and learn to live with it. The way our predecessors did, we have to make Bangladesh livable for the new generations. Life must Go ON.
Parvedge Haider
Researcher, CHT and Regional Politics
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