Assam: GOI asks China to take action against ULFA chief Paresh Baruah

News Desk:
Less than a month after the Pulwama terror attack that shook the entire nation to the core, the Indian Government has now adopted an even tougher stance against terrorism. The Government has reportedly provided details of the whereabouts of United Liberation Front of Asom (Independent) commander-in-chief Paresh Baruah to China requesting the Chinese Government to take action against him.
Highly placed sources in the Government of India told The Assam Tribune that the Government has taken a decision to hit back at any terrorist group, which targets Indian citizens. “Even if a terrorist hides in a foreign country after killing Indian citizens, he will not be safe. India has already carried out three surgical strikes, one in Pakistan, one in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and one in Myanmar and there is no reason why more such strikes cannot be carried out. Every terrorist organization must now understand that they are not safe by sitting outside India,” sources asserted.
Meanwhile, though China has signed an agreement of mutual cooperation to deal with terrorism, sources admitted that several senior leaders of militant groups of India are still in Yunan province of China. However, they are living in a clandestine manner and the militants have not set up camps in China as was done by terrorist groups in Pakistan as well as in Myanmar.
The Assam Tribune revealed that the Government of India submitted details of the whereabouts of Paresh Baruah to the Government of China, but no action has yet been taken. “The Government of India has definite information that Baruah is in China but the Government of that country has been denying the fact. A few times Chinese authorities reported back to India that they checked the locations given to them and could not find Baruah,” sources added.